Sunday, July 3, 2011

[54] Perspiration Board

I'm finally moved into my new place! I'm living out of boxes, but I couldn't stand staring at all the naked walls. In my last place, I had scraps of motivation strewn all over my apartment. Looking back at my soapbox on motivation from last month, I decided I needed to organize my personal motivation station and not subject my apartment to being overrun by running. Previously, I had things tacked to the walls and taped to mirrors, as well as things pinned on any magnetic surface and Post-it notes everywhere. Bottom line, I had no organization to my motivation station at all.

[Building a Victory]
Initially, the PB started out as single picture from the back of my first Nike+ iPod Kit (close up at the bottom). I taped it to the back of my front door at eye level, and every morning before I set out, my weight loss goal stared right back at me. It got me out the door, even in the winter, but as I started logging miles and setting personal best records (PBs), I started putting Post-Its all over the place. To avoid plummeting into a similar fate, I wanted to corral my running items into a special corner of my new place. This wall is near the back of my apartment, just past the washer & dryer, facing the bathroom, and next to my bedroom door. Instead of overwhelming every single person who visits my place and subjecting them to my "running mania" (as it's been dubbed), I've decided to rein it in a little bit.
  • Race Bibs (top left): I have a growing collection of race numbers, but the ones I displayed are the races I have run for my guaranteed entry requirements for the 2012 New York City Marathon. I can't wait to see what it will look like come September 24th!
  • Weight Goal (top center): That number hasn't budged for some time. I have plenty of yellow Post-Its leftover, so I need to get cracking on the remaining poundage.
  • Run Card (top right): My college gal pal, Kimi, made this fantastic good luck card in honor of my running the RunDisney Princess Half-Marathon back in February. It reminds me that I am officially endurance sport royalty!
  • One Tiny Word (center): Meghan inspired me to select a single word to focus my energy toward achieving in the next year. With regard to running, I intend to cultivate my running skills as well as a happier and healthier lifestyle.
  • Princess Calendar (far right): A present from Meghan on Princess Half weekend! Currently lists my registered races, weigh-ins, mileage and important things like registration openings (when I remember to write them down)! I do need to start affixing photos to it.
To avoid making the whole board too heavy for the nails, I am planning to invest in a wall display rack for my medals. Not that I have that many, but some of them are heavier than I thought! I am thinking about clipping some quotes, not just by famous female runners, but other writers, actresses, activities, and other public figures. I don't want to simply focus on running with my motivational quotes, but also self-esteem, body image, and anything else that tickles my fancy.

Yes, I think I will do that! ;)
I'm keeping a journal for my detailed workouts, eating habits, measurements, and such, and I would rather not clutter the board with that. Along with my running folio, those items are being kept near my desk, so I can also access them when I am working on this. I'm debating putting up a wish list of things I could "run toward" as rewards for either logging mileage or losing weight. With respect to clothing, I am trying to hold off on investing in new duds until I can hit at least 140lbs (only 6.6 pounds to go), but sometimes its so hard.

One thing I definitely need to do is go through all my photos, hit up a photo lab, and post some pictures of the people I run with! One of my greatest inspirations and motivators are my friends, not only those who run with me, but those who also cheer me on.

What else should I tack up there...?


  1. You moved again? I need an address update!

  2. Awesome calendar :) I love that you are using it for running goodness!
